Mirella A. Verifizierte Identität

Mirella A.

Verifizierte Identität
Akzeptiert neue Schüler

Mirella A.

Akzeptiert neue Schüler

The best Vocal coach and motivator that you need!

Preis Ab 45 €
Wunschzeitraum: vormittags, nachmittags, abends, Wochenende


I am a professional opera singer (Master Degree) and vocal coach (Master Degree). I have studied in Sofia, Bulgaria my Bachelor und Master of Classical singing and Vocal pedagogy and then came to Vienna to study in two Masters - Sologesang and Lied und Oratorium. Along the singing on stage, I love to reach and if you are looking for a very motivative, positive, passionate and patient teacher- I AM THAT ONE!
I would love to help you reach your goals, like having a big range, singing in every style you like, winning competitions an many more!
Feel free to contact me :)


45 € / 55 Min.